environment governance
  • Social
  • We create a values–driven business ecosystem where everybody wins
  • At Hanwha, we believe that our employees, business partners, customers, and communities share common values. We respect the rights of our employees and are committed to promoting work–life balance as we pursue shared growth through cooperation with business partners. We strive to create value for our customers, build a positive reputation, and lead change by working to solve community issues. Moving forward, we will continue to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth, enhancing the lives of all stakeholders through collaboration.

마우스 스크롤
  • ESG Overview
  • Environment
  • Social
  • Governance
  • Talent Management
  • Shared Growth Management
  • Customer–Centered Management
  • Social Contribution

Talent Management

Our most valuable asset is the talent of our creative and passionate workforce. These innovating minds power our sustainable growth and are the foundation for Hanwha’s development and success. We nurture our employees by operating fair and sound personnel and education programs to help them grow into globally recognized talent with a resilient spirit, unwavering dedication, and integrity. We deeply value individual rights and embrace diversity, fostering a flexible organizational culture that empowers our employees to thrive while achieving work–life balance.

Talent that embraces challenge, dedication and integrity

Hanwha looks for talented people who share our core values, which include embracing challenge, dedication and integrity, and who can act on those values. We are committed to identifying and nurturing highly motivated people with a challenging spirit who pursue best results from change and innovation instead of settling for existing standards; who demonstrate dedication and try their best for the greater good while believing in relationships with companies, customers and colleagues; and who act appropriately with integrity based on principles and a sense of pride.

Hanwha’s Ideal Talent


People with a Challenging Spirit

Instead of settling for existing standards, people with the spirit of a challenger pursue the best that can come from change and innovation
  • They actively work on becoming the best possible professionals in their areas
  • They find new opportunities and methods with open minds and creative thinking
  • They set and achieve challenging goals with a “can do” spirit

People with Dedication

People who demonstrate dedication and try their best for the greater good while believing in relationships with companies, customers and colleagues
  • They think about “we” first and make common goals a priority
  • They value promises made to customers and continually create customer value
  • They work together with team spirit and believe in their colleagues

People with Integrity

People with integrity who act appropriately based on principles and a sense of pride
  • They act honestly by adhering to principles without being tempted by short–term wins
  • They treat people fairly and transparently based on abilities and performance, regardless of feelings

Nurturing top talent

Hanwha is boldly investing in a well–grounded personnel system to recruit and nurture talented people who can lead us to achieve our milestone of 100 successful years in business. We offer professional development for our global talent through training programs for specific jobs and positions. Our Hanwha Pre–Manager Program (HPMP), designed for all new Group employees, offers comprehensive education initiatives to foster job competency and instill a sense of loyalty. To nurture Hanwha’s potential future CEOs, we sponsor EMBA programs for team leaders and offer our executives the Advanced Management Program (AMP), sourced from the world's premier executive education courses.

Our Global Talent Program encourages employees with potential and interests in global business by providing relevant education and opportunities to work overseas. Through our Regional Specialist Program, we send associates and junior managers abroad to gain international business experience.

Creating a flexible and healthy organization

Hanwha’s companywide work–life balance policies are designed to improve the quality of life for our employees. Our corporate culture fosters flexibility through initiatives such as varying work types and flexible scheduling, one–month sabbaticals upon promotion, and mandatory one–month paternity leave for new fathers within three months of childbirth. We also provide educational leave and support for career development. In addition, each affiliate operates a differentiated benefits system tailored to the unique needs of each business. We also work to gain community trust by promoting safety as part of our corporate culture.

We actively work to prevent accidents by requiring everyone to follow a strict set of rules and policies and to observe leading industry indicators for occupational safety. Along with regular inspections and education, we strictly manage training programs to respond to emergencies and establish a culture of safety.


Respecting human rights and diversity

Hanwha actively supports and complies with human rights policies at home and abroad, including the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Respecting diversity, we do not discriminate based on gender, race, nationality, place of origin or religion. To prevent sexual and workplace harassment and raise awareness of human rights, we provide human rights education to all employees and regularly conduct human rights impact assessments to avoid human rights risks in advance.

We introduced programs that respond to workplace grievances, resolve grievances through counseling and prevent recurrences, such as the Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division’s Hotline and Hanwha Aerospace’s Smart Grievance Handling Center. Our family–friendly programs include maternity benefits and family–friendly company certification to create a better workplace for women.

Hanwha’s Talent Management Programs and Achievements

  • Hanwha Group One month sabbaticals, paternity leave, career development leave
  • Hanwha Life Human rights education based on human rights policies, human rights impact assessments, establishing basic safety and health policies for employees
  • Hanwha Aerospace Fostering a positive organizational culture (townhall meetings, workshops for organizational change, etc.), talent acquisition and retention (credit–based internships, the OJT academy, etc.), systematic talent development (establishing thematic programs for leadership, global, and job–specific competencies)
  • Hanwha Asset Management Selected in 2021 by the Ministry of Employment and Labor as one of South Korea’s best companies in job creation and job quality improvement
  • Hanwha Engine Supporting group homes for children and families in crisis, providing assistance for child development accounts (CDA)
  • Hanwha Corporation E&C Division Certified as a family–friendly company, hosted a self–driven fostering program, opened an in–house mental health counseling center
  • Hanwha Solutions Qcells Division Improving work opportunities and creating jobs
  • Hanwha Aerospace Implementing a system to prevent workplace and sexual harassment
  • Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division Certified by Great Place to Work Korea as a good company to work for, women–friendly company, HR hotline
  • Hanwha Systems Selected in 2021 and 2023 by the Ministry of Employment and Labor as one of South Korea’s best companies in job creation and job quality improvement
  • Hanwha Advanced Materials Certified as a family–friendly company, operation of an open communications committee, overseas corporate training for new hires
  • Hanwha Ocean Running a youth board

Shared Growth Management

Our philosophy of “Going Further Together” and our spirit of trust and loyalty also extends to our partner companies. Through our collaborations, we seek to ensure mutual growth rather than competition. With small– and medium–sized business partners, we encourage best practices in management and help foster self–sufficient environments. We also offer support through a variety of programs for employee rights and the working environments of partner employees as we build a sustainable foundation for the entire supply chain.

Commitment to fair trade and shared growth

Since 2009, Hanwha has fostered collaborative partnerships with over 1,500 small–and medium–sized enterprises. With our shared growth and fair trade agreements, we empower these businesses by strengthening core competencies, promoting mutual growth, and offering guidance to engage in fair trade practices.


Supporting partners’ management through co–prosperity funds

We created an annual co–prosperity fund of USD 175 million and earmarked a private equity fund of USD 175 million for these mutually beneficial partnerships. The funds allow partner companies to obtain low–interest– rate loans. We also support business partners’ stable financial operations by increasing cash payments, making early payments for traditional holidays and offering performance sharing programs to selected affiliates.

Building winning partnerships

In our frequent work with partner companies, we have put our “Going Further Together” belief into practice by engaging in joint businesses, exchanging technology, sharing information and offering exemptions from performance guarantees. We are increasing industry–specific programs to help partners become more competitive as they expand domestic and international sales networks. We also support their management innovations and equipment purchases while assisting them in best practices for safety, process, environment and quality controls. In addition, each affiliate holds regular meetings for partners to enhance mutual trust through close communications.

Improving supply chain sustainability

Hanwha is committed to advancing sustainability throughout our supply chains by actively backing supplier sustainability management initiatives. Through our affiliates, we offer ESG– related education and consultations to assist partner companies with ESG management. We also provide support for safety and environmental management to mitigate industrial accidents and prioritize employee well– being. Additionally, we offer training programs to enhance the skills of employees at partner companies.

Hanwha’s Shared Growth Management Activities

  • Hanwha Solutions Chemical  Division Partner ESG evaluation program, Open Source initiative
  • Hanwha Corporation E&C Division Cooperative programs for shared growth, performance sharing program, support for health, safety, and ESG management consulting, rating of “Excellent” in the Win–Win Growth Index awarded by the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership (2022), rating of “Excellent” in the Fair Trade Implementation Assessment organized by the Fair Trade Commission (2023)
  • Hanwha Aerospace ”Excellent” rating on the Win–Win Growth Index for more than 10 consecutive years awarded by the Korean Commission for Corporate Partnership, support for partner ESG evaluation and consulting, operation of productivity improvement support programs, implementation of a dual structure improvement project, support for overseas corporate training for outstanding partners, operation of both the $45.76 million Shared Growth Fund and additional financial support programs, technology protection support
  • Hanwha Systems Selected as a Caring Company 2.0 by South Korea’s Ministry of SMEs and Startups
  • Hanwha Life Program to strengthen partner employee competencies, compliance program
  • Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Process Safety Management (PSM) P–grade, support for partner company facility improvement and maintenance, Seosan Table Day event, support for improving partner company safety management capabilities, subcontract payment fully in cash and 100% payment within the deadline
  • Hanwha Galleria Paid employee leave for illness and COVID–19 vaccination, financial support for business partners, support for SME market development, compliance program
  • Hanwha Engine Implementing safety and health initiatives under our “Going Further Together” philosophy that embodies cross–business collaboration, providing quality competence training for our partners
  • Hanwha Ocean Collaborating with local governments (Gyeongsangnam–do and Geoje City) to support a worker welfare fund for suppliers

Customer–Centered Management

At Hanwha, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to their satisfaction and growth by consistently delivering value. Through every stage of our business—from planning and production to promotion and provision of products and services—we prioritize building enduring relationships of trust. We aim to be the company customers trust most by delivering high–quality products and services, including eco–friendly products, protecting consumer rights and interests, and supporting underserved communities with limited access to information or financial services.

Protecting consumer rights

Using our well–planned system tailored to the characteristics of each business, we actively protect consumer rights and interests. Hanwha Life performs a consumer impact assessment to verify whether the development or sale of a product is likely to infringe on consumer rights. The company also enacted a Financial Consumer Protection Charter and set up related principles. All employees and financial planners make online pledges to conform to the charter, affirming their resolve to offer products and services while protecting consumer rights.

Hanwha Investment & Securities continues to improve consumer protections by refunding sales commissions when a product is canceled owing to a simple change of mind and guaranteeing a complete return for any misleading sales. By building an excellent system to protect consumer personal and financial information, the company earned the Information Security Management System (ISMS) certification from the Financial Security Institute in 2018. In recognition of those efforts, Hanwha Life, Hanwha General Insurance and Hanwha Investment & Securities also obtained the Consumer–Centered Management (CCM) certification from the Fair Trade Commission and the Korea Consumer Agency.

Supporting accessible financial services

Hanwha’s financial affiliates provide a range of support as part of customer– centered management. Hanwha Life offers easily accessible outlets for those who have difficulty receiving services, such as a phone number for the disabled and priority connection service for the elderly. In addition to also having a number for the disabled, Hanwha General Insurance operates Smile Care Desk service, with dedicated staff along with a call bell at branches so elderly and disabled customers may receive financial services without any physical barriers.

We developed a mobile insurance claim guidebook for those who are not adept at digital services. Our Service Idea Contest for the Digitally Vulnerable lets consumers propose ideas that we may select to develop more consumer–friendly insurance services.


Hanwha’s Customer–Centered Management Activities

  • Hanwha Solutions Qcells Division Global customer satisfaction surveys
  • Hanwha Aerospace Certified for the ISO9001 Quality Management System and DQMS (Defense Quality Management System) for all business sites, engaging customer feedback and conducting customer satisfaction surveys, undertaking customer satisfaction service activities based on the “Three Cs” (care, communication, capability), providing equipment inspection, training and maintenance support, field unit visits, distributing educational materials, etc.
  • Hanwha Galleria Customer and purchase satisfaction surveys, customer complaint channels
  • Hanwha Investment & Securities CCM certification for nine consecutive years, operating the Smile Care Desk, providing AI chatbot services
  • Hanwha Life Consumer–oriented product development, inclusive financial product development for elderly and disabled, deferred interest payments for customers and small businesses affected by COVID–19, special information guidance for the elderly, designated proxy claimant system, customer satisfaction service certification, Financial Consumer Protection Charter, CCM certification
  • Hanwha General Insurance CCM certification, Smile Care Desk, AI chatbot service
  • Hanwha Vision Eco–friendly labeling to communicate environmentally friendly feature of products

Social Contribution

In keeping with our founding philosophy of fostering social growth and prosperity, as well as with the Hanwha spirit of trust and loyalty, we cooperate closely with the communities where we work. By pursuing our social contribution philosophy of “Going Further Together,” we strive to fulfill our social responsibilities as a global corporate citizen. To create shared value with individuals and communities, we utilize our core technologies and resources in various social contribution activities, including talent development, culture and the arts, donations, and volunteer work.

Talent Development

Hanwha Science Challenge


Since 2011, we have sponsored Hanwha Science Challenge, South Korea’s largest high school science competition, which is aimed at discovering and nurturing outstanding students in science. This event gives young students opportunities to explore their scientific quests. It represents the dream stage of embracing challenges and inspires future science prizewinners. High school students and teachers with interest and talent in science may participate as a team. With the theme of Saving the Earth and envisioning a sustainable tomorrow, we encourage students to explore and understand the science behind global environmental issues, such as sustainable energy, disease, famine, climate change and water shortages. Finalists receive special benefits, such as exemption from credential screening when applying for a job at Hanwha Group. Winners of each year’s challenge are awarded top national scholarships and the opportunity to take overseas trips to leading engineering colleges, scientific institutions or Hanwha’s global business sites to gain new perspectives on the subjects they are studying.

Hanwha–KAIST Science Outreach Program


In 2016, we began hosting the Hanwha–KAIST Science Outreach Program, a science education program for middle school students who have a special gift in science. Through this program we help support and advance young students’ skills and ambition in science and engineering. KAIST students serve as mentors and provide online and offline science, math, coding and software classes for first two grades of middle school in Daejeon, South Korea. We also operate field programs, such as cultural experiences and business site visits so students can broaden their experiences. Mentors provide not only academic help to students, but also emotional support for growing together.

Hanwha–KAIST Pebble of the Universe


Pebble of the Universe is a special education program for gifted and talented middle school students jointly developed by the Hanwha Space Hub and faculty at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology’s (KAIST) Department of Aerospace Engineering. The program is designed to foster future talent in space science through its experiential curriculum that enables students to acquire specialized knowledge about space and cultivate their humanist imagination under the guidance of dedicated KAIST professors and mentors.

The program spans six months and includes lectures from renowned scientists in various fields, collaborative team projects, and project workshops. Students who complete the program receive a certificate signed by the president of KAIST, and will additionally have the opportunity to take classes at the gifted education center, participate in one–on–one career consulting with experts, and visit renowned scientific facilities abroad. These experiences are designed to nurture a boundless imagination in the realm of space.

Hanwha Global Talent Development Program


Our financial affiliates run programs to nurture the next generation of global talent, providing opportunities to grow as promising future entrepreneurs. Every year, our Global Internship Program equips university students from around the world with a variety of financial practices and project experience, expanding our worldwide talent network.

In addition, our Global Mentorship Camp supports networking and professional development by facilitating connections with top industry mentors.

LIFEPLUS NY, held in New York City, is a networking and mentoring conference for students and leaders in the finance and technology sectors who are active internationally. Through our entrepreneurial support programs and other such efforts, Hanwha aims to foster future talent and create a broad industry ecosystem.



Hanwha Life’s DREAMPLUS program is an open innovation hub that nurtures future entrepreneurs and revitalizes the startup ecosystem based on the core values of connection, sharing, and collaboration. We provide comprehensive solutions from the stages of business establishment and acceleration to global expansion through the startup life cycle.

In addition to DREAMPLUS 63, a workspace for early–stage startups, we operate a variety of programs tailored to different spaces aimed at fostering talent, including DREAMPLUS Yeonnam and DREAMPLUS Yeoksam, as well as our open innovation center, DREAMPLUS Gangnam. By collaborating with various partners, we offer support for establishing new businesses and finding partnership opportunities.

Culture and Arts

Orchestra Festival with Hanwha


As a firm supporter of arts and culture, Hanwha has been the sole sponsor of the annual Orchestra Festival since 2000 in partnership with the Seoul Arts Center. We provide performance opportunities to local symphony orchestras, senior classical musicians and next–generation prospects, and support classical music for public audiences to enjoy. Our sponsorship for over 20 years helped the Orchestra Festival become South Korea’s largest classical music event and one of most recognized corporate–sponsored arts programs.

Hanwha Classic


Our Hanwha Classic has performed classical music since 2013. We have planned and hosted the annual music festival to provide quality performances for South Koreans. In planning the program, we focus on inviting artists and performers who specialize in classical music to present unique performances. Every year, we invite baroque music specialists from all over the world, including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, France and the UK, to deliver their in–depth impressions to music lovers with high–quality performances and audience–friendly introductions to music.

Seoul International Fireworks Festival with Hanwha


Since 2000, we’ve sponsored the Seoul International Fireworks Festival each fall. With the slogan “Sharing Hope through Fireworks,” this has become a flagship Seoul cultural festival featuring a thrilling spectacle of light and energy, including the fireworks, cultural performances and experiential events. Every autumn, we host the event with the world’s leading fireworks technology companies. Since its debut, the festival has wowed over a million spectators, providing unforgettable memories for families and friends. Each year, Hanwha colleagues volunteer to help make the festival a safe and orderly event.

Hanwha Youth Orchestra


Since 2014, we have operated the Hanwha Youth Orchestra, a music education program in Chungcheong Province to help young people grow through art education and to bridge cultural gaps among regions. The orchestra is composed of about 30 members of string and wind ensembles, and we support various activities such as musical instrument education, attending music concerts, music camps and hosting regular concerts. Besides building cooperation and perseverance with peers in the ensembles, we also help the youngsters demonstrate their honed musical skills to an audience and experience a sense of accomplishment, all of which provides comprehensive personality and musical education.

Hanwha’s Social Contribution Programs

  • Hanwha Aerospace Classes on aerospace (youth mentoring), remodeling of rest areas (H–Lounge) in military hospitals
  • Hanwha Investment & Securities Together Plus financial mentoring, digital mentoring
  • Hanwha Solutions Supporting eco–friendly startups
  • Hanwha Corporation E&C Division FORENA Library
  • Hanwha Solutions Qcells Division Donation of solar modules to the Navajo Nation, founding of sports team for the disabled
  • Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Eco Plus environmental education, support for local welfare projects in Seosan–si
  • Hanwha Advanced Materials Non–Tenured Faculty Awards, support for bereaved families of veterans
  • Hanwha Galleria · Hanwha Hotels & Resorts It’s Okay to Rest campaign
  • Hanwha Life Insurance Child/youth care and independence support, global talent development, financial and economic education
  • Hanwha Ocean Prioritizing locally–sourced produce