retail-services environemnt
  • ESG Overview
  • Hanwha’s sustainable management to build a 100–year–old company
  • As a responsible corporate citizen, Hanwha believes what we do today will have an impact on the world tomorrow. To help individuals, society and the planet grow sustainably, we are leading worldwide bold innovation by creating transformative solutions for economic, environmental and social issues with our businesses, technology and social choices. With a firm belief in “Going Further Together,” we will create a better future for everyone by engaging in fair and ethical business practices while committing to mutually beneficial relationships with our employees, customers, business partners and communities.

마우스 스크롤
  • ESG Overview
  • Environment
  • Society
  • Governance

Hanwha’s ESG Vision and Strategy

Creating values with ESG activities

We pursue growth that creates sustainable values with our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and communities. All of us at Hanwha are working together to introduce sustainable principles and systems as we practice sound and responsible management by ushering in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives.

Taking a step beyond corporate growth, we are becoming a world–leading sustainable company by fully internalizing ESG values that allow us to grow harmoniously with the environment and society.

Key ESG Activities


Expanding green technology

Solar energy Wind energy Hydrogen energy

Creating an eco–friendly industrial ecosystem

Circular economy Coal–free financing

Establishing environmental management

K-RE100 Eco–friendly workplace Eco–friendly vehicle operation

Transparent management system

Board independence Board diversity

Shareholder–friendly management system

Shareholder communications Shareholder participation in management

Ethics and compliance management system

Internalization of ethical values Global compliance standards

ESG Management Governance

Strengthening ESG management

In 2021, to promote deeper understanding and encourage full implementation of ESG management, Hanwha established ESG committees for each of our seven listed affiliate companies and two non–listed affiliate companies. As the highest decision–making body overseeing ESG management activities, our ESG Committees develop basic ESG–centric policies and strategies as well as review our mid– to long–term goals of responding to climate change, ensuring workplace safety, fulfilling social responsibilities and increasing stakeholder engagement and governance.

In order to encourage more diverse and professional discussions about ESG, more than two–thirds or all of members of each committee are outside directors. The Hanwha Group ESG Committee works to improve the ESG–management system within Hanwha Group and to support affiliate ESG–management activities by helping establish strategies for each business area, sharing information and providing professional training in ESG–related seminars and workshops.

Hanwha affiliates with an ESG Committee

* As of September 2022
  • Hanwha Group
  • Hanwha Corporation
  • Hanwha Solutions
  • Hanwha Aerospace
  • Hanwha Systems
  • Hanwha Life
  • Hanwha General Insurance
  • Hanwha Investment & Securities
  • Hanwha Asset Management
  • Hanwha Energy

ESG Management Performance

Earning “Grade A” in ESG ratings

Our efforts to implement ESG management have been recognized by the 2021 environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings of the Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS). Six out of seven listed affiliate companies of Hanwha received an overall Grade A. Hanwha Corporation, Hanwha Aerospace and Hanwha Life maintained Grade A ratings for two consecutive years, while Hanwha Solutions and Hanwha General Insurance each improved ratings by one grade level over the previous year.

Hanwha Corporation and Hanwha Solutions received Grade A+ in the social category because of their active engagements in social responsibilities and expanded stakeholder communications. In addition, Hanwha Corporation was once again recognized for ESG management performance with an overall Grade A for corporate ESG evaluation in 2022, conducted by the NICE Investors Service.

Hanwha Support for UN Sustainable Development Goals

Collaborating to support UN SDGs

Hanwha is a firm supporter of UN SDGs, particularly those we can directly address through our business, technology and social impact activities. Our primary areas of focus are SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). We are actively engaged in each ESG area, working together to achieve a sustainable future for humankind.

  • esg01

    Affordable and Clean Energy

    Solar energy Hydrogen energy Wind energy Eco–friendly mobility Coal–free financing declaration
  • esg02

    Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Quality job creation Economic productivity improvement Shared growth and fair trade agreements with small– to medium–size business partners Win–win growth fund
  • esg03

    Responsible Consumption and Production

    Research and development of eco–friendly materials and plastics (such as Plastics– to–Chemicals, ECO–DEHCH plasticizer, bioplastics and more) Research on effective methods for storing and utilizing natural resources (Research focused on improving LNG efficiency, such as reducing evaporation rate, preventing methane slip, and re-liquefaction) Implementing consistent and structured procedures for managing hazardous substances
  • esg04

    Climate Action

    Solar energy Hydrogen energy Wind energy Eco–friendly mobility Coal–free financing declaration
  • esg05

    Partnerships for the Goals

    World Economic Forum United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Global Green Growth Institute Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030(P4G)